Ayurveda is an ancient system of holistic medicine originating in India 5000 years ago. In Ayurveda, three fundamental forces of energy [or Doshas] govern all living processes.
There are,
Vata: the principle of air and movement.
Pita : the principle of fire and transformation.
Kapha: the priniciple of water for cohesion and support.
In Ayurveda medicine, it is thought that good halth depends on a harmonious relationship between the three Doshas which govern all living processes.
All these teas are based on the principles of Ayurveda.
Turmeric Cinnamon with superfood Moringa
Organic Turmeric Root, Organic Cinnamon Bark, Organic Moringa Leaves, Organic Ginger Root, Organic Black Pepper Corns.