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![]() Ginkgo Biloba LeavesGinkgo is cultivated mostly for the pharmaceutical industry. The active ingredients are Ginkgo life terpenes and polyphenols; mainly flavonoids and antioxidants that strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Ginkgo has been used in Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years to treat memory loss in the elderly. On going research shows that taking Ginkgo extract helps counteract declining mental facilities and helps increase concentration and memory. | ![]() Saint John's Wort FlowersSt Johns Wort has been used as a remedy for nervous disorders for thousands of years. The dried yellow flowers are often used in infusions especially in teas. Because of its wound healing properties, St Johns Wort has been used to treat burns and skin irritations. It has also shown to have a positive effect on mild cases of depression. Due to it's mood lifting properties it is used to treat depressive symptoms, negativity and sleeping difficulty. | ![]() Moringa LeavesMoringa Oleifera or drumstick tree is a tall leafy plant that has been used for generations in Asia and Africa for its various healing properties. It is a tropical plant packed with over 90 protective compounds, flavonoids and phenolic acids. As a tea it has a mild Earthy taste. Ayurvedic medicine has called it, miracle tree for hundreds of years, due to its many healing abilities. Moringa is said to help increase energy, balance blood sugar levels and improve mental clarity. |
![]() Turmeric RootTurmeric is cultivated in Asia, Africa and West Indies.The part used is the root or Rhizome, which is a rich yellow-orange color,is often used to color and flavour food. In herbal medicine, Turmeric is used for making infusions. Turmeric contains circumnoids which are known to have powerful anti inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. For thousands of years Ayurvedic healers have regarded Turmeric as key to balancing and detoxifying the body. | ![]() Ajwain SeedsThe plant has a similarity to parsley. Because of their seed-like appearance, the fruit pods are sometimes called seeds; they are egg-shaped and grayish in colour. The seeds are often chewed on their own for medicinal value, tasting bitingly hot and bitter, leaving the tongue numb for a while. Cooking ajwain mellows it somewhat. When crushed, they have a strong and distinctive thyme-like fragrance. | ![]() Ashwagandha RootAshwagandha root is a herb similar to ginseng (and sometimes called Indian ginseng), used traditionally in Ayurvedic medicine. It grows as a short shrub (35–75 cm) with a central stem from which branches extend radially in a star pattern and is covered with a dense matte of wooly hairs. The flowers are small and green, while the ripe fruit is orange-red and has milk- coagulating properties. The plant's long, brown, tuberous roots are used for medicinal purposes. |
![]() Black PepperIncredibly popular black pepper, often referred as "king of spice" is a well- known spice since ancient times. The peppercorn plant is native to the tropical evergreen rain forest of the South Indian state, Kerala, from where it spread to rest of the world. The Pepper fruit, also known as the peppercorn, is actually a berry obtained from this plant. | ![]() Burdock RootBurdock root is a tap root of the greater burdock plant, used as a vegetable and medicinal herb. Burdock Root is a member of the daisy family that originated in Eurasia - is now firmly established as a naturalized plant in North America. | ![]() CloveClove Buds are the aromatic dried flower buds of a tree in the Myrtle family. The English name clove derives from Latin clavus (nail), as the shape of the buds resembles small nails. |
![]() CassiaCassia, also known as a Cinnamon. Fragrant rich cinnamon spice is one of the highly prized spices, has been in use since biblical times for its medicinal and culinary properties. This delightfully exotic, sweet flavored spice stick comes from the outer brown bark of cinnamomum tree, which when dried, rolls into a tubular form known as "quill". | ![]() CorianderLike other spices coriander is available throughout the year providing a fragrant flavor that is reminiscent of both citrus peel and sage.The fruit of the coriander plant contains two seeds which, when dried, are the portions used as the dried spice. When ripe, the seeds are yellowish-brown in color with longitudinal ridges. Coriander seeds are available whole or in ground powder form. | ![]() CardamomCardamom is one of the world’s very ancient spices. It is native to the East originating in the forests of the western ghats in southern India, where it grows wild. Cardamom belongs to the same family as ginger and turmeric. |
![]() ElecampaneElecampane is a beautiful tall-growing herb, the flowers of which resemble sunflowers. The plant grows wild throughout Europe, and has been used medicinally for centuries. | ![]() DongquaiReferred to as "female ginseng," the root, which is the medicinal part of the dong quai plant, has a bittersweet taste and is ivory in color. The upper portion of the plant is tall, reaching 7 feet in height, when grown in optimal conditions. Although much larger than the garden-variety carrot, dong quai's foliage resembles the leafy stem sheaths of the carrot. | ![]() EchinaceaEchinacea is a genus of nine species of herbaceous plants, all of which are native to the United States and southern Canada. One species, Echinacea angustifolia, was widely used by the North American Plains Indians for its general medicinal qualities. |
![]() Chamomile FlowerChamomile is a low-growing relative of the sunflower native to Eastern Europe and now found around the world. It is especially abundant in Hungary, Croatia, and Serbia, although chamomile grown in Egypt has an exceptionally high content of essential oils. | ![]() Dandelion RootBesides their culinary uses as coffee substitute and salad ingredient, the root and leaf of this pervasive weed of the aster family are also used in traditional medicine. Dandelion is grown commercially in both the United States and Europe. | ![]() EucalyptusEucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) is a tall evergreen tree native to Australia and Tasmania. Herbalists believe that eucalyptus is also broadly supportive of the immune and digestive systems. |
![]() HibiscusHibiscus plants are hearty deciduous plants that grow well as individual plants, shrubs or as a flowering tree. The plant has dark green leaves, and large flowers that bloom in several colors, including red, yellow, pink and white. | ![]() Ginger RootGinger is the underground rhizome of the ginger plant with a firm, striated texture. The flesh of the ginger rhizome can be yellow, white or red in color, depending upon the variety. It is covered with a brownish skin that may either be thick or thin, depending upon whether the plant was harvested when it was mature or young. | ![]() Fennel SeedFennel seeds are the dried "fruit" of the fennel plant and herb (Foeniculum vulgare). The plant has feathery leaves, which are used as a herb and it also produces yellow flowers, which when they die, seeds form in clumps, and are collected once they have ripened and hardened. |
![]() LemongrassLemongrass is a tall tropical grass. The fresh stalks and leaves have a clean lemonlike odour because they contain an essential oil, which is also present in lemon peel. | ![]() LicoriceLicorice gets its name from the Greek glyks, meaning sweet and rhiza meaning root. It is the sweet tasting rhizomes (underground stems) and roots that are used as flavourings. | ![]() Linden FlowerLinden flowers include this plant's small yellowish flower and oblong flower bracts, which look like leaves. They are called lime flowers in Europe, where they are popularly used as a soothing herbal tea. |
![]() Lavender FlowerSilvery green leaves and stems and tall, colorful flowers characterize the lavender plant. Oil glands that appear among the flowers are responsible for the plant's scent. Lavender grows between 12 and 20 inches tall, depending on the variety. | ![]() NettlesThe plant has a long history of use as a medicine and as a food source. It is a coarse creeping perennial with yellow roots and ovate leaves covered with bristly stinging hairs, and small green flowers are borne. | ![]() Marshmallow RootMarshmallow, known scientifically as Althaea officinalis, is an African plant with short roundish leaves and small pale flowers. |
![]() Mullein LeafA common weed in North America, Europe and Asia, the mullein plant produces large, gray-green leaves lined with fine hairs and tall stalks of yellow flowers. Both the flowers and leaves have a variety of uses, but it's the leaves' medicinal properties for which herbalists often harvest the mullein today. | ![]() Orange PeelOrange peel is the rind of an orange. | ![]() Raspberry LeavesThe red raspberry leaf is a pale-green leaf produced by the raspberry plant; an upright shrub with perennial roots and prickly, biennial canes. The leaf has been used in remedies, due to its rich content in vitamins, minerals, and tannins. |
![]() Passion FlowerPassion Flower, also known as Maypop, is a climbing vine native to the Southern United States, where it has enjoyed a long history of use by Native Americans. Commonly taken as a tea, it has calming and soothing properties. | ![]() PeppermintOf all the mints, peppermint is now probably the most widely used of all, due to its high content of menthol. People have been using peppermint medicinally for thousands of years. Peppermint has a pleasant taste and is commonly used in cooking and for making drinks. It contains vitamins A and C as well as a number of minerals. Additionally, it has a wide variety of health and medicinal uses, some of which have been verified by scientific trials. | ![]() Sarsaparilla RootSarsaparilla s a perennial plant that is native to the rainforests of South America, Jamaica and the Caribbean. It is also found in the forests of Asia and Australia. This very long vine can reach up to 50 feet in length and has a fragrant root often referred to as the Sarsaparilla root. Sarsaparilla root is the most common part of the Sarsaparilla vine that is used for medicinal purposes. |
![]() ShatavariShatavari is the Sanskrit name of the plant Asparagus racemosus, which has been used as a tonic herb for thousands of years in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Shatavari is a climbing shrub that grows to a height of between one and three meters. The part used for medicinal purposes is its roots. | ![]() SennaSenna is the dried leaf or pod of Alexandria senna and Tinnevelley senna. They are members of the pea family native to Eurasia, now cultivated commercially in the Middle East and India. | ![]() SkullcapSkullcap is the herb of a member of the mint family from rich woods and moist soils in eastern North America. Skullcap is an herbaceous perennial mint with ridged leaves and tiny flowers that can range in color from purple and blue to pink and white. |
![]() Slippery Elm BarkObtained from the inner bark of Ulmus fulv, the North American Elm tree, this substance is used for its soothing and softening properties. | ![]() SteviaStevia is the world’s only all natural sweetener with zero calories, zero carbohydrates and a zero glycemic index. Harvested from a plant in the daisy family, stevia provides a truly delicious and healthy alternative to sugar or chemical sweeteners. | ![]() SpearmintSpearmint in it's general characteristics resembles peppermint, but it is rather more vigorous in it's growth, the lance-shaped leaves are generally stem less, and the flower spikes are narrow and pointed rather than thick and blunt. |
![]() TulsiTulsi, which is also known as holy basil, is a plant from the basil family that has been an essential herb in India for thousands of years. The leaves from this plant contain many phytochemicals that have antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Due to the purported medicinal properties of this herb for a wide variety of health ailments, this plant is also referred to as "the queen of herbs. | ![]() Wild Cherry BarkThe wild cherry tree is native to the Eastern and Central U.S. and is a valuable lumber tree. The bark has a faint almond-like aroma when placed in water, and a bitter, aromatic flavor. | ![]() Valerian RootValerian is a perennial flowering plant, with sweetly scented pink or white flowers which bloom in the summer. |
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