Brewing Directions
Use freshly boiled hot water. For maximum benefit leave tea bag in cup, gently squeeze to release any remaining extract. Enjoy this tea as warm as possible. Suggested without any sweetener.
Tulsi - Turmeric Tea
Today we live in a fast paced world. Our interactions with people and environment, has effects on our wellbeing and body by way of infectious diseases, seasonal changes, varying temperatures, different time zones, pollen, pollution and other factors which can be detrimental to our health.
Every country, region, culture, tribe or people have their own remedies for various ailments. Most of these remedies are made from Herbs, Plants and Flowers to help promote natural rejuvenation.
Tulsi is the only herb allowed in temples all over India due to ancient belief of it being a super herb. It is a herb unique to India which we combined with Turmeric to enhance its great taste.